The origin and development of Longquan sword

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The sword was created about 3000 years ago at the end of Yin Dynasty and the beginning of Zhou Dynasty. The early swords were very short. In the Western Zhou Dynasty, the two armies fought mainly by chariots. When they were far away, they would shoot at each other with bows and arrows, and if they were close, they would meet with spears. They could not use such short swords. At that time, they were mainly used for self-defense. In the late spring and Autumn period, Wu and Yue rose one after another, competing for hegemony in the south. Both countries are located in water villages with crisscross water networks and jungle, so it is difficult to fight by car. Therefore, infantry and water troops become the main arms of Wu Yue army, and swords become the conventional weapons of the army. Therefore, both Wu and Yue attach great importance to the production of swords, and their sword casting techniques far surpass those of the Central Plains countries and become the "hometown of precious Swords" in ancient China.

2020/08/05 21:29
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